Sunday, 17 June 2007

Stupid Computers

Due to problems with my computers, I didn't get any modding done this weekend.

I have a virus on one, that is proving diffucilt to remove, and I have been having some trouble with my graphics card on the gaming machine lately. Had a few game crashes, and blue screens saying the problem was caused by atiduag. . . . . (or something like that) and one game I can't reinstall "because DX9c can't be detected" I have updated DirectX and several game that need it work, besides the game was installed up until a few weeks ago.

Anyway friday night things got a little worse, so I updated the graphics drivers, OOOPPPPss!!! That caused me all kinds of trouble. Direct3D and directdraw not working, just a black screen after logging in and plenty grumpiness. I was trying both Catalyst ATI drivers and Omega drivers and both had different issues. I finally got some older Omega drivers to install and have most things looking ok. the Direct 3D test through DXDiag still looks a little weird, but you can make it out. I just hope my graphics card is not about to die.

Time to look at a new machine, but I will start trawling EBay for a graphics card, have to see how the savings are looking as to what option is affordable.

Stupid Computers!

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